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Westminster Residents And Businesses Launch Petition Against Motorbike Parking Charges

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Residents in Westminster have shown signs of losing patience with the Council over its insistence on retaining motorcycle parking charges in the face of massive opposition from the biking community.

The petitioners say: “We are sure that very few have escaped having their daily commute in Westminster blighted by the recent series of demonstrations by angry motorcyclists campaigning against the introduction of parking charges for motorcycles. Whilst originally infuriated, and initially assessing their complaint to be selfish and inconsiderate, we took it on ourselves to look more closely at the basis of their complaint and, having seen irrefutable evidence of a total lack of genuine justification for the City Council to impose a levy where there has never historically been the need, we have compiled a petition on our website”

Warren Djanogly, Chairman of the No To Bike Parkign Tax Campaign, said: "It seems that residents are now more aware than ever of the way in which this Council has blatantly ignored thousands of bikers, and are continuing to line the pockets of the private companies contracted to enforce these charges, at a cost to the rate-payer of over £400,000." 

Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg, Leader of the Labour Group, said; “There is massive opposition to Westminster Council’s motorbike parking charges from residents, commuters and local businesses. There is no justification for charging motorbike owners to park on the street. No other Council charges. The Westminster motorbike parking tax is all about raising money for Westminster Conservatives so that they can plug a big hole in the Council’s finances.” 

“This is a time for common sense to prevail. The motorbike parking charge is Westminster’ s ‘poll tax on two wheels’ and like the poll tax it is hated and should be scrapped” 

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