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Court Ruling Signals the End of Free Motorcycle Parking Warns bmf

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With a ruling in the High Court today that Westminster City Council’s controversial scheme for motorcycle parking charges is legal, the 80,000 strong British Motorcyclists Federation warns that this could signal the end of the customary free parking enjoyed by motorcyclists across the UK

The judgment in effect said that Westminster Council did not need to make any special justification for bringing in charges for motorcycle parking as motorcycles  could be treated in the same way as cars. 

In his judgement, Lord Justice Pitchfordsaid charges had been justified and that “The Council has been assiduous in the performance of its responsibility to consult specifically upon the motorcycle parking and charging scheme. Far from ignoring the responses received, appropriate concessions have been made and the scheme amended.” He then went on to say, “The judgment which objections have failed to undermine, is that the volume of traffic using the roads in the City of Westminster requires management by the selective introduction of charging for on-street parking contemporaneously with the provision of free off-street parking.”

A strong supporter of the ‘No To Bike Parking Tax’ (NTBPT) campaign from its inception, the bmf’s Government Relations Executive Chris Hodder, said: “Obviously we are disappointed but while this ruling means that Westminster have the technical authority to charge motorcyclists, they could find that this is a pyrrhic victory as protesters have vowed to fight on until Westminster are forced to back down by public demand. It should also be borne in mind that it’s actually costing Westminster Council £430,000 a year all-in to run the scheme, so other local authorities thinking this is a green light for similar schemes should be extremely cautious.”

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