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Riders Are Voters Invite Bikers to 'Motorcycle Question Time' as General Election Looms

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Riders Are Voters (RAV), the motorcycle community General Election Campaign, is organising 'Question Time' style events across the country so that riders and local motorcycling businesses will have the opportunity to directly quiz Parliamentary Candidates about biking issues on the run up to the General Election.

Riders are Voters is a partnership of the main motorcycle organisations, the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCI), the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) and the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF). The three organisations have joined forces to lobby Parliamentary Candidates in advance of the General Election, in order to gain support for motorcycling in the new Parliament.?? The 'Question Time' events are being held in dealer showrooms, with a special session also being held at the Manchester Bike Show.

This is an opportunity for Parliamentary Candidates to meet motorcycling voters and learn more about key biking issues. Riders will have the opportunity to quiz the politicians who are seeking votes.?? Topics such as potholes, the training and testing situation, bikes in bus lanes and motorcycling in overall transport policy will be on the agenda. Riders will have the opportunity to ask politicians whether they support the fitting of non-slip manhole covers, or provision of secure free parking, among other issues.

Steve Kenward, MCI's CEO commented; " Now is the best time for riders and the industry to work together and discuss motorcycling issues with the people who want to represent us in Parliament.  These local events offer a chance to ask the decision makers the important questions that matter to the biking community and industry."

"Don't miss these unique events and bring your riding friends, so that we can stimulate an interesting debate at this range of venues."

. Whitehaven in Cumbria, Dave Millings Motorcycles, Monday 29th March at 7.30pm
. Manchester Central, part of the Bike Show, Saturday 3rd April at 1.00pm
. Bristol, Fowlers Motorcycles, Tuesday 6th April at 7.30pm
. Slough, George White Suzuki, Thursday 8th April at 7.30pm
. Kings Lynn, C&A Superbikes, Tuesday 13th April at 7.30pm
. Salisbury, Hayball Motorcycles, Thursday 15th April at 7.30pm

For more information go to the website

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