Motorcycle Accident Solicitors

Motorcyclists are at a much greater risk of death or serious injury than other road users. Despite forming only 1% of road traffic in the UK, motorcyclists account for 18% of road deaths and serious injuries. It is a sad yet true fact that many Motorcyclists will be involved in an accident (approx 1 in 4) and of those only 1 in 5 will be at the fault of the rider.

CoulthurstsMotorbike Accident Claims Potter Rees Dolan | Tylers Solicitors Motorbike Accident Claims

It will be of no surprise that the most common reason for a motorcycle accident, is the failure of a motorist to see the motorcyclist, with 66% of all motorcyclesinvolved in accidents being reported as 'at a junction'.  When there was no other involvement the rate was at 23%. The main reasons being failing to look properly, loss of control, carelessness or in a hurry and even peer pressure when riding in a group. Motorcycle riders and passengers have the right to compensation for a large amount of these accidents

Accident Scenarios include:

  • Overtaking stationery traffic and a car driver decides to execute a U-turn, resulting in a collision.
  • A motorcyclist overtakes a bus as it turns left from the main road into a minor road. A car driver waiting at the same junction to turn right pulls out at the junction into the path of the oncoming motorcyclist. 
  • A pedestrian emerges from an embankment onto the road striking the left handlebar of the motorcycle, causing the motorcyclist to loose control and crash.