Competitions for THE BIKER GUIDE | free to enter
Also great for events to place on the gate, controls tent or at the venue.
To enter the competition**, simply fill in the form below to be entered into the prize draw by 21st June, 2024.
**Please note to qualify for entry into the competition we must have either the event listed with us and/or the Biker Friendly Place sent to us for inclusion (from the owner of said place). These are both free to do, just send the event or Biker Friendly Place details to us via the on-line form.
All questions marked with a * must be answered. We include a code at the bottom to avoid spam, however if you cannot read it simply refresh the code until you can!

Terms & Conditions
1/ THE BIKER GUIDE® reserves the right to amend the date for enteries, change the question and/or any other details and even cancel said competition.
2/ Only enteries which include the full name and postal address can be awarded a prize, as we have to send most prizes out in the post so this information is important.
3/ THE BIKER GUIDE® reserves the right to publish the names of the winners both on the website and also within any promotional material.
4/ There will be no cash or other alternative to the prize offered and prizes are not transferable.
5/ Where applicable, prize winners will be responsible for travel arrangements.
6/ Winners will be notified by either e-mail or via a promotional e-shot with the winners names included.
7/ In some cases, prizes require a confirmation e-mail between THE BIKER GUIDE® and the winner, which will need a reply before we go ahead with the arrangements of the prize, such as holidays. In some cases, if we do not receive a reply with 7 days we will presume that you do not want the prize and so will award it to another.
8/ In some circumstances, where we do not have the prize held @ THE BIKER GUIDE® hq, the prize may come direct from the supplier, organisers and/or from another source such as when another winner cannot attend. We cannot be held responsible for such a prize going astray or for a cancelled event.
9/ By sending through a competition entry your details (unless stated otherwise) will be added to a database where you will be informed of the winners, new competitions and other news from THE BIKER GUIDE®.
10/ Any winners with any questions about the prize, must contact us direct replying to your 'You are a winner' e-mail, rather than by phone, facebook and/or by contacting the organiser or supplier of the prize.
11/ In the instance that you are required to send your postal address from a facebook competition, if we do not receive a repy in 7 days days the prize may be passed on.
12/ We cannot be held responsible for any prize sent in the post which go astray or for a cancelled event.
13/ Prizes of holidays must be taken by the winner in the time period stated and are not transferable to another.
14/ In no circumstances may a prize be sold to another and/or to make profit. This may result in the prize being null and void.
15/ No prizes won are transferable to another (3rd party). This may result in the prize being null and void.
16/ To qualify for entry into the competition to win a BIKERS WELCOME banner, we must have either the event listed with us and/or the Biker Friendly Place sent to us for inclusion (from the owner of said place). These are both free to do, just send the event or Biker Friendly Place details to us via the on-line form.
17/ For facebook competitions that require a like and share, sometimes due to facebook security, we cannot see if a post has been shared. We may in such cases award said prize to someone who has liked the post (which can be seen).
18/ We will always send tickets (or details of how to obtain) them to competition winners, at least 2 weeks prior to the event. When an email is sent and the competition winner has not received said tickets within 7 days of notification, you must contact us within a week as failure to do so may mean tickets are lost and/or we cannot contact the organiser as they are already on site. In such an event, we may not be able to organise replacements.